Familiar spirits…wizards

In Leviticus chapter nineteen, verse thirty-one, God speaks to Moses to regard not nor seek after familiar spirits which will defile the individual that attempts to do so. The chapter itself is about personal conduct, and this particular area we must take very seriously because, at the end of this verse, God states: “I am the Lord your God.” Familiar spirits and wizards refer to mediums or spiritists who sought to contact the dead to obtain prophetic knowledge. Anyone who transgresses God’s commands by turning to spiritists is dealing with Satan and demons.
Leviticus twenty verse six explains that God will separate them from His people. Remember Saul in First Samuel chapter twenty-eight verse seven, where he asked to seek a woman that deals with familiar spirits, and tragically, his life ended shortly after that. The former King of Israel went from serving God to looking to hear from a woman who associated with familiar spirits and lost his way and died terribly. Deuteronomy eighteen ten to eleven lists those certain familiar spirits and those people to avoid. God expects all of His people to seek after Him and no one else.
Today, many people decide to seek after certain things to obtain an advantage over others but put themselves in an insecure position. Human beings do not realize we live in a physical world, but the spiritual side does exist. Our soul within each of us is a spirit. When a person no longer lives, the soul leaves that body and becomes lifeless, and the destination that it ends up dwelling, only God knows. Eventually, the deceased body decays in a few days unless preserved for funeral arrangement purposes, autopsy, and other scientific experiments. People are better off safe dealing with the Spirit of God than sorry with a familiar one.

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