Pronounce him unclean

In Leviticus chapter thirteen, verse three, the Lord speaks to Moses in greater detail regarding uncleanliness. Uncleanness here must equate to whatever did not accord with God’s will and holiness. It could be caused by that which was associated with parenthood, sickness, or death. All things deviate from the perfection God intended for creation. In other words, the laws of uncleanness constantly reminded the people of the devastating results of their sins.
Uncleanness affects all walks of life, and every human has to deal with family traits. Some people inherit illnesses, lifestyles, personalities, and family heritages. For example, parenthood is vital to a child’s upbringing during the early stages of life. The parent’s responsibility is to practice good morals before the child to enable them to adopt good manners and the right attitude to function respectfully in society. Not to say children will not experience ups and downs in life at times, but chances are they would benefit from the guidance of their parent’s positive lifestyle.
Uncleanness will creep in unawares to tempt a child, and that is why parenthood is critical to a young person in the early stages of life. Some people do not understand that if a parent has a bad habit or some misfortune and attempts to hide it from their kids does not mean they will not inherit that trait. For example, a young teenage boy got into trouble with the law and had to go to jail and serve life in prison. He was with friends in a car and got pulled over, and police arrested them with a few charges against them. However, the teenager had a child with his girlfriend during that time. Fast-forward to eighteen years later, where the boy is still serving his life sentence, and his child is all grown up now, unfortunately, gets themself into a similar situation and is in jail serving time. How could a child that did not know their father well enough follow the same path? Uncleanness. Not to say that a similar situation should arise of that nature would be the same result. However, sins create misfortunes for young people sometimes

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