Children born unclean

In Leviticus chapter twelve, verse two, the Lord speaks to Moses about telling the children of Israel regarding childbirth that the woman giving birth to the newborn is unclean. Therefore, instructions for the women to follow for them to be sanctified.
Parenthood is God’s will for man and woman and can be one of the greatest joys in life. However, childbirth had the treatment as unclean, with the discharges symbolizing the results of the fall of humankind. Children are now born with a sinful nature. Psalms fifty-one, verse five words apply here: “Behold, I was shaped in iniquity; And in sin, my mother conceive me.” Children also face the reality of physical death and the possibility of eternal death unless they accept Christ’s redemption.
Death was never God’s intention or perfect will for humans. The uncleanness associated with childbearing expresses the truth that the newborn child needs a savior. Christian parents knowing the sinful tendencies with which children are born should pray earnestly that their children might accept Christ as Lord and be born again, regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Otherwise, they will learn about life and continue along the path their ancestors lived in the past. The concern with family heritage is parents with children will not know until they begin living their lives to discover what course they have inherited.
Parents realize that children today have more challenges than the ones in the past. The technology that society incorporates now makes it even more challenging for children to alleviate themselves from the carnal ways of the world. The combination of the current environment for our children with family inheritance should make parents pray earnestly for their children to receive Christ to know God. Children are born unclean, then live a life that way, and are entangled with society’s way. Then how can they survive to know God? Parents must pray now for their children.

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