Without the camp

In the Old Testament days, the burning of the sacrificial animal “without the camp” symbolizes the complete removal of sin. The New Testament relates this to the suffering of Jesus. Without the gate to sanctify His people through His blood. The calling of a Christian is to “go forth therefore unto Him without the camp.” To leave behind the sinful pleasures of this world to seek a heavenly city and to offer up a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God.
A Christian, as we know, is a person who no longer lives for themself but now for Christ. The action behind the title is the challenge. The word “Christian” has the root word “Christ,” which should remind all who have accepted Him as Lord and Savior. However, the Christian with life challenges, and distractions, will find it difficult sometimes to keep that focus. That is where we feed on the Word of God that will help us navigate while living on earth.
Without the camp are the people, the environment, the places, and the things that do not welcome Christ but oppose Him. Jesus Christ Himself loves the sinners but does not condone their sin. He is a friend to the unbelievers but against their worldly activity. The path to drawing close to God and His righteousness begins without the camp. Believers will either draw close to God or away from Him by the lifestyle they live. We are either at the campsite or without.
Without the camp will not be easy because those that once saw us there will try to lure us back. However, it is up to us to live and move forward with Christ or fall back with the camp. To overcome this test and build our relationship with Christ is to be without them. We either influence them, or those in the encampment will impact us.

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