Be His friend

In Exodus chapter thirty-three, verse eleven, God considers Moses close to Him with whom He could talk face to face. This relationship is unique because Moses was sincerely devoted to God and His cause, purposes, and desires. Moses was one with the Spirit of God to such an extent that he shared the very feelings of God, suffering when He suffered and grieving when He grieved at sin. Every believer, through prayer, should seek to know the ways of God and grow into such a profound union with Him and His purposes to declare that indeed they are God’s friend.
Joshua not only faithfully served Moses, God’s anointed, but he also diligently developed a personal communion with God. From his youth, he learned to spend time with the Lord. Such devotion prepared him to become Moses’ successor. Joshua sees Moses, a servant of God, and how he served the Lord. This experience gave him the courage to develop his relationship with God on his own.
The meaning of friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard, who gives, and who is on good terms. To be a friend of God is similar to how people befriend each other. Moses and Joshua spent time with the Lord and were givers with both listening and following instructions. They expressed themselves to God through prayer and were obedient to His will. Moses intervenes on behalf of the people to God in critical situations.
Today, many would declare they are a friend of God. However, a friend does not only communicate or say they would like to spend time only to ask for fulfillment on their list of things. Or come to God when they are in trouble and need Him to rescue them. To be a friend to God is to listen and compliment, give Him praise and thanks. Tell Him how you feel about Him.

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