Rose to play

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse six, the people of Israel began to indulge in sensual dancing and sexual immorality. Verse twenty-five indicates the Israelites became ungovernable and made themselves naked. In this manner, the sin of the Israelites may have involved exploring others’ nakedness for sexual play and pleasure, which in God’s law strictly prohibits such activity.
After violating the second commandment, through the contribution of their co-leader, the Israelites were open to other immoral activities. Their impatience with not waiting for their head leader Moses to return put them in a bad situation. What led the Israelites to find themselves in this condition? Moses’ brother Aaron. The importance of maintenance of the people of Israel did not come into action from the leader in charge.
Today, we still have that problem in society with followers of Christ upholding the standards of God. Especially pastors, who are responsible for maintaining the body of Christ with the Word leading by example. If the head does not imply the godly morals we read in the holy scriptures, how does the body survive in an ungodly environment? All of us regularly wash or clean up after outdoor activities during the day. The same principles apply when we encounter various people and other environments during our commute.
The Israelites’ rose to play reminds us that patience is a virtue, and impatience will lead us down the wrong avenue. The leader or co-leader is responsible for maintaining peace and upholding God’s standards so that they and the congregation do not become complacent but compliant. The Israelites, similar to the body of Christ, must read, study, and do what the Word of God says daily to stay on track. Not to say that there will not be days of challenges or trials, but preparation for them will enable us to overcome them through obedience to God and His Word.

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