Take sickness away

In Exodus chapter twenty-three, verse twenty-four, God connected the removal of sickness among His people with their wholehearted devotion to Him and their separation from the ungodly influences around them. However, the ailment of the individual does not necessarily indicate they have conformed to the wicked ways of society. This passage does not suggest that the worldliness of God’s people will cause God to withdraw a portion of His blessing and power from them, thus affecting even the righteous among God’s people.
Sickness will come upon all of God’s creation at some point in our lives. Some conditions derive from our nutrition and eating habits, some from generational heritage, and others from demonic activity. However, Believers who serve God and live a holy life experience health issues within their bodies and are physically no different than unbelievers. Yet, the difference is the people of God can call upon God in prayer to help them with their health conditions. Still, God has the final say in our lives, and we are in no position to evaluate how God should operate in terms of our situation.
No one can comprehend how God works. God-fearing leaders who live righteously before the Lord and minister to others that God uses to heal and deliver peopleĀ  do get sick. Some eventually recover by the grace of God, and others do not. Some believers will battle sicknesses over time and unfortunately pass away, while others do not serve God and go on and live healthy lives. Lazarus in the New Testament was sick, and He died. The Son of God raised him back to life, to eventually pass away. In Second Kings, Hezekiah, in the Old Testament, was ill and prayed to God and was granted recovery. However, he would likely pass away again.
Our bodies in this life will eventually pass away. We are earthly beings, and sometimes we get sick and recover. God made us and will undergo health issues ranging from mild to severe. Believers will call upon God, where some receive deliverance while some do not. We do not know the mind of God. All we can do is live before Him and be thankful we have life.

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