A peculiar treasure

In Exodus chapter nineteen, in the bottom part of the fifth and verse six, God mentions to Moses that if the children of Israel comply and keep His covenant, then they will be a peculiar treasure to Him above all people, for all the earth is from God. Israel was to be God’s treasured possession. Even though all nations are accountable to God because He is their Creator, Israel was to have a unique relationship with God because He was their Redeemer. This purpose for Israel foreshadowed God’s purpose for the church.
A part of God’s purpose for the Israelites: was to bring them out of Egypt to be a “kingdom of priests” and “a holy nation” that set them apart for God’s service. Likewise, believers under the new covenant, the children of God, are to be a kingdom of priests and a holy people. To be separate from the world’s ungodly ways and walk in God’s righteous ways and sacred will. People that desire to know God on a personal level must decide whether they are a follower or a leader. A believer will experience social challenges because following God requires commitment, which depends on our time spent with God.
A peculiar treasure is a unique possession, one of a kind. Easy to distinguish from the rest is what God intends for His people to become. A kingdom of priests is people in the future kingdom that will rule and reign with the Lord and have His word and presence abiding in that believer. A holy nation is His people that are pure with no spot by the world. The requirement for believers may sound a bit much: however, look how extreme it was for God to give His only Son for the sins of His creation? Who could?

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