Provide able leaders

In Exodus chapter eighteen, verse twenty-one, Moses’ father-in-law suggests to Moses that he find able men that qualify under the standards of God. He further explains that these men could help in the small matters in groups of thousands, hundreds, the fifties, and tens, to help judge the people year-round. The more significant problems, Jethro tells him, he could address them. Moses’ father-in-law sees how Moses handles a matter among the people. However, as a relative should, Jethro counsels his son-in-law on how to operate among the children of Israel to avoid physical and mental weakness later on.
Moses’ attempt to lead and rule the vast multitude of Israel by himself was consuming all his time and wearing him out. Jethro’s counsel that Moses delegate authority to godly men to do the work more efficiently still applies today. Several qualifications for leaders of God’s people must be capable people who fear God, are instructed in the truth and are highly committed to it. People that are trustworthy and who hate dishonest gain and are free from the love of money. These are vital for leadership and counseling: Otherwise, the people of Israel will not experience the blessing of God because of contamination.
The importance of having help within the church is that it will help bring the body of Christ closer together. Today, churches with congregations have one leader running the church and the audience of people watching and listening. This kind of operation does not help the growth process of the members overall. There must be able leaders that could help that qualify under God’s standards. Having people in place will alleviate wear and tear on the pastor or servant of God.
Providing able church leaders will help the church members to mature and develop. One leader with a congregation is less effective than several helpers in smaller groups of people. The objective of every church is to be close to each other as a family. Sure there will be the assembling together as a whole with the leader. However, the goal for each soul is to grow in Christ and be close to Him.

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