Finger of God

In Exodus, chapter eight, verses eighteen and nineteen, the third plague by Aaron struck the dust with his staff and caused the plague of lice. The Egyptian magicians attempted to reproduce what God did through Aaron but was unable. They told Pharoah that this was the finger of God. Why would magicians tell their King of Egypt about the God of Israel? How could they declare that it was God’s hand that did this plague of lice?
The magicians of Egypt were experiencing some form of pressure from Pharoah because of the first two plagues God performed. The first was the plague of blood, and they used their enchantments to do the same task. The second plague was the frogs, and the magicians brought more frogs on top of what they received by the hand of God. However, the third plague was the lice, and the magicians used their enchantments but could not perform them. The Egyptians replied to their King of Egypt and believed the activity came from the finger of God.
The magicians attempted to see if they could duplicate what God did through Aaron and Moses, but they were unsuccessful.
They recognized their incapabilities and admitted to Pharoah that it was the finger of God. This response indicates the magicians accept that God’s power is far superior to theirs. After that demonstration, Pharoah still did not yield to the God of Israel but remained hard-hearted towards Moses and Aaron and would not submit to letting go of the Israelites.
Today, many people believe in the living God. Some are still skeptical, even though quite a few grew up in homes with a religious background. Few have experienced the power of God yet still have not accepted Him. Some people are like Pharoah, turning the other direction away from God and choosing to live their way.

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