Plague of frogs

In Exodus chapter eight, verse two, Frogs were the second plague in Egypt that God demonstrated to Pharoah and the Egyptians. Aaron raised his staff again over the streams and rivers, causing frogs to come out of the river. Then frogs overran the country. The frogs were in their bedrooms, beds, and kitchens. The Egyptian sorcerers also made more frogs appear. Pharaoh consented to let the Israelites go. Moses allowed Pharaoh to choose when he wanted the frogs to disappear. Pharaoh chose the following day. The frogs were gathered and piled up, making the land of Egypt stink, similar to the first plague.
In ancient Egypt, frogs represented gods and were considered sacred. The Lord, through this plague, was attacking the gods of Egypt to show that His power was far superior to all the supernatural powers of Egypt. However, Pharoah still did not show any respect to God’s servants or God Himself. He still had the Egyptian sorcerers attempt to display their powers only to make more frogs appear. Even though Pharoah chose to remove the frogs the next day at the offer by Moses, his heart still hardened when the infestation subsided.
In society, people believe in all kinds of things and worship different types of gods. The problem with that is there is only one God that made heaven and earth. Hopefully, it is the one you serve because we will all find out. Pharaoh refuses to give in that the God of Israel is far superior to the one he believes in. The physical gestures that Pharoah makes after the first two plagues show no acknowledgment of the God of Israel. During the first plague, he turned and went to his house. The second one Pharoah will consider but did not cooperate.
Today, we have people like Pharoah. They will watch and look from their perspective but will not give in.

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