They became serpents

In Exodus chapter seven, verse twelve, the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron to be prepared to demonstrate before Pharoah the miracle by casting the rod down to become a serpent. Initially, God knew this situation would take place beforehand. Otherwise, He would not tell Moses to say to Aaron take the rod and do this before the King of Egypt. Moses ordinarily held in his hand the rod and delivered it to Aaron, upon occasion, for the demonstration of his commands. For this reason and some other miracles exhibited, not by Moses immediately, but by Aaron, partly, perhaps, take off the suspicion that these miracles were by some magic arts of Moses instead of by what God had said.
Pharoah challenges Moses’ servant Aaron by calling his wise men and his sorcerers to come out and showcase their ability.
The magicians’ rods turned into serpents, an act accompanied by demonic power. Egypt was addicted to magic, occultism, spiritism, and sorcery as their religion. By Aaron’s rod swallowing up their rods, however, the God of Israel demonstrated His power over the gods in Egypt. In the final days of the age, before the return of Christ, Satan will display miracles through false ministers within the visible church and the antichrist.
Today, each person experiences two different forces that intend to convince us that one is better than the other. The power of God plans to do good while the forces of darkness aim to do evil. The question is which one will take residence in our lives or what will we allow to become a part of our lives. No one chooses evil, but the world environment is deceptively in disguise by evil forces. Therefore, even though we desire God and good in our lives, we must be mindful of the company we keep, the places we go, and the things we do.

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