Why send me?

In Exodus chapter five, verse twenty-two, Moses had to wonder why the Lord sent him to see Pharoah regarding the release of the Israelites. He ignored or forgot what God had told him earlier about Pharoah’s responses. Moses was disappointed because his obedience to God was causing trouble and not an immediate success. Often believers under the new covenant forget that God’s Word says we must go through much tribulation to enter into the kingdom of God. Why?
Those who commit themselves to Christ’s Lordship and who will finally enter the kingdom of God must suffer ‘much tribulation’ along the way. Living in a hostile world, they must engage in spiritual warfare against sin and Satan’s power. Those faithful to Christ, His Word, and His righteous ways can expect trouble in society. Only the lukewarm or compromising “believer” will find peace and comfort in the world. If a human being demonstrates any verbal or physical activity relating to evil, the enemy will not hinder them. However, if a believer lives for God and desires to serve God and follow His Word, the devil seeks to bother them.
The present evil world and false believers will remain adversaries to the gospel of Christ until the Lord overthrows the world’s sinful system at His coming. Meanwhile, the hope of all believers is laid up in heaven and revealed in the end: Colossians chapter one verse five and First Peter chapter one verse five, respectively. Their Biblical hope is not in this life or this world. However, the believer’s hope is in the appearance of their Savior to take them to Himself.
Why send me? God sees the willingness of our hearts to surrender to Him and do His will. However, the devil sees that ambition and intends to be a hindrance to stopping it. As long as believers endeavor to do God’s will and live the straight and narrow way, the enemy will do whatever it takes to change that.

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