Brothers sold Joseph

In Genesis chapter thirty-seven, verse twenty-eight, Joseph’s older brothers have agreed to sell him as a bondslave to the Ishmaelites. The Midianites merchantmen passed by, and the brothers sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver, and they brought him to Egypt. Buying help was the going rate for a teenage serf at the time. Joseph’s brothers profited from his sale. They assume they have seen the last of Joseph as he goes hauled away to Egypt. Instead, God will use their cold-hearted actions to bring Joseph’s dreams to reality in the most unexpected way.
The cruel treatment of Joseph by his brothers and sold into slavery, yet, in all this, God used the evil action of humans to work out his will in Joseph’s life. However, after being sold to the Midianites, they sold him to Potiphar: an officer and captain of the guard. Potiphar, a high-ranking official in Pharaoh’s government, purchased Joseph. However, God has not abandoned Joseph. He is directly in the center of God’s will for his life. What Joseph’s brothers have done out of hatred and evil will be used, by God, to save their entire family.
Today, many people like Joseph experience difficult situations where others attempt to sell out the innocent with lies to spoil their reputation. However, if they remain strong, and look to God to work things out, eventually, He will resolve the matter His way. The challenge for those in such positions is to remain loyal to God and not allow the temptation to retaliate in sin. For a believer, it may seem unfair that those who do evil or wrong to others seem as though they are getting away with it. However, people who hinder others are not only dealing with the believer but with the Son of God living inside of them.

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