Abraham’s Servant

In Genesis chapter twenty-four, Abraham’s servant (probably Eliezer of Damascus) was a devout man who trusted God as his master did and sought the Lord through prayer. This approach indicates that each step of his journey was marked by asking God for his blessing and guidance.
Abraham’s servant gets instruction from his master and obediently pursues to fulfill the request. He arrives at his destination in Mesopotamia, the city of Nahor, and begins the mission to find a wife for Abraham’s son, Isaac. The servant had made his camels kneel by the well outside the city and also brought lavish gifts for the prospective bride. However, the material goods are not only his plan. While at the well, Abraham’s servant encounters a woman named Rebekah. During the unexpected meeting, he asks her if there is room to lodge?
Now Abraham’s servant prays to God. He prays to Abraham’s God for Abraham’s sake. The servant asks Abraham’s God to give him success in this mission of Abraham’s. He asks that God would, in doing so, show His steadfast love to Abraham. Rebekah responds favorably to a room for Abraham’s servant to lodge. His response from him is he immediately praised God. The servant’s prayer and faith in God reveal that Abraham’s obedient faith was not merely private: it was also active in the lives of others members of the household. The importance of leaders in a church or head of the family is significant. They either help the direction and influence of the members in a godly way or not.
Abraham’s servant is a prime example of obedience to his master but praying without ceasing. First Thessalonians chapter five verse seventeen is the approach all believers should take daily. Serve God with prayer and trust Him to lead and direct our path even when things do not appear clear to us. A person that prays stays the course will experience better days.

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