Not take a wife

In Genesis, chapter twenty-four, verse three, Abraham made the eldest servant of his house vow not to allow his son to take a wife among the daughters of the Canaanites. Why did he make the servant declare under oath? Abraham knew that God had called him and his descendants to live a life separated from the people around him. Their separation was God’s method of preserving a holy people for Himself. For this reason, Isaac was not to marry a Caananite woman or return to the land from where Abraham came.
Today, some parents are from godly environments and have raised their children in such a manner for them to continue that pathway. However, parents are aware of the ungodly surroundings that may hinder the foundation which they have set for their children. The challenges are keeping the offspring connected to the values that parents desire for them to later benefit from it. The danger for each child is the social status that may jeopardize those family morals. The friends for each kid do contribute to their upbringing, especially if they stay connected with particular individuals that could influence their direction.
Caananites were strangers to Abraham and did not want them to become a part of his family. It would also affect his son and descendants to lose the blessings that the Lord has given his family. Abraham wanted Isaac’s wife to teach their future children of God and the truth. He recognized that the land of Canaan would influence his son. Therefore, the eldest servant of Abraham was assigned to ensure Isaac was on the right path.
In society, some parents are so cautious with their kids, yet the child still finds a way to disappoint them. Many kids do start in the church, but some eventually fade away. If a parent fails to keep their children down the straight and narrow pathway of God, they will not be able to experience the blessing of God while serving Him.

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