True Possession

In Genesis chapter twenty-three verse twenty, scripture reveals the only piece of land in Canaan that Abraham ever possessed in fulfillment of God’s promise was a grave. His descendants did not begin to obtain the promised land until the time of Joshua.
The believer who lives in faith waits until the end of life for the full reward of one’s trust in God.
Believers, like Abraham, must not set their hearts ultimately on things of this earth but must desire a heavenly country where God has “prepared for them a city.” There are very few people of faith that experience “the land of milk and honey.” In the book of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua, the Lord mentions to the people of Israel this land that contains these substances. However, very few find it. Why are the land of milk and honey difficult for many people to obtain?
We always hear the phrase “the blessing of Abraham.” However, this man was not looking for a blessing but to work on saving people and helping them through God was his blessing. Here are a few examples: Abraham went to aid Lot and his family. He also reasoned with God not to destroy the righteous with the guilty in Sodom. Then he endeavors to help Hagar and Ishmael in preparation for their departure from him and his family: even though Abraham does not feel the way Sarah felt. Abraham was more interacting with people rather than with things. His heart was not on things but God’s people. This activity made it so easy for him to receive a blessing.
Today, some leaders and believers have their hands and hearts on external things and few on the internal. In Second Timothy, chapter three, verse four states people will be lovers of pleasure than lovers of God. They will deceitfully seek the fleshly things rather than the spiritual. However, If believers seek reverse order, God will provide those things after. In Luke chapter twelve, verse thirty-one briefly states seeking God first. Then other stuff will come to anyone who does it.
The real problem is many say it with their mouth, but the heart is far from it. Therefore, people do not understand it and help themselves in ways contrary to the Word of God. Today, many get involved in prosperity methods and church businesses that God did not state in His Word. Jesus emphasizes, in Mark chapter eleven, verse sixteen, about His house being a house of prayer and not a den of thieves.

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