Inspiration and Authority of Scripture

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Today, scripture refers to the authoritative writings of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, which is the Bible. They are God’s original and only infallible revelation of Himself and His saving activity for all people.
All scripture is by the inspiration of God and is the very life of the Word of God. Down to the words of the original manuscripts, the Bible is without error-absolutely authentic, trustworthy, and infallible. This truth not only when speaks of salvation, ethical values, and morality, but it is also without error on all subjects about which it speaks, including history.
The Old Testament writers were conscious that what they said to the people and what they wrote down was God’s Word to them. Over and over, the prophets prefaced their comments with, “Thus saith the Lord.”
Jesus Christ Himself taught the scripture of God’s inspired Word to even the smallest detail. He also affirmed that all He said He received from the Father is true. He further spoke of revelation yet to come from the Holy Spirit through the apostles.
To deny the full inspiration of holy scripture is to set aside the fundamental witness of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the apostles. Furthermore, to disregard its inerrancy is to impair its divine authority.
In the Spirit’s work of Biblical revelation and inspiration, God, while not violating the personality of these writers, moved on them in such a way that they wrote without error. The inspired Word of God is the expression of God’s wisdom and character and is, therefore, able to give knowledge and spiritual life through faith in Christ.
The Bible is God’s infallible witness to His saving activity for humanity in Christ Jesus. For this reason, scripture is incomparable, forever finished, and uniquely binding. No human words or declarations of church institutions are equal to its authority. All doctrines, commentaries, interpretations, explanations, and traditions must be judged and legitimized by the words and message in scripture itself.
God’s Word must be received, believed, and obeyed as the final authority in all things about life and godliness. Scripture use should be the final authority in all matters for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteous living. One cannot submit to God’s Word without submitting to God and His Word as the ultimate authority. The Bible can only be understood when we are in the proper relation to the Holy Spirit. He opens our minds to understand its meaning and gives the inward witness of its authority.
The inspired Word is to conquer the power of sin, Satan, and the world in our lives. Therefore, the scripture must be loved, measured, and guarded by all church members who see it as God’s final and ultimate truth for a lost and dying world. We must safeguard its doctrines by faithfully adhering to its teaching, proclaiming its saving message, entrusting it to reliable people, and defending it against those who would distort to destroy its eternal truths. No one may add anything to or take anything away from scripture.

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