Bible Training for Christians

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The church has the opportunity to protect the original apostolic doctrine found in scripture and commit it without compromise and corruption. It implies the necessity of Biblical instruction within the church.
The Bible gives the following reasons for Biblical or theological training, whether in-home, church, or school.
The goal is to entrust the gospel of Christ to faithful believers so that they may know and teach the true biblical faith and good standards. To show students the vital necessity to “contend for the faith which delivered to the saints,” and to give them how to defend it against false theologies. To lead students into continual growth in character through the doctrine according to godliness. To equip students to strengthen and bring to maturity other believers so that together they may reflect Christ’s image in the home, the local church, and the body of Christ.
Bible training helps bring the students to a deeper understanding and experience of God’s kingdom on earth and its conflict against Satan’s power. The Word of God helps motivate students through the eternal truths of the gospel. It helps to be wholeheartedly committed to evangelizing the lost and preaching the gospel to all nations in the power of the Holy Spirit. The holy scriptures help deepen the students’ experience of Christ’s love, personal fellowship, and the gift of the Spirit by urging them to follow the leading of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Bringing students into the baptism in the Holy Spirit by teaching them to pray, fast, and worship, as they long for the glorious appearance of Jesus Christ with the same spiritual intensity of the New Testament saints.
It is obvious from these purposes of Biblical training that instruction must be done only by those who are fervently loyal to God and the scripture as God’s fully inspired Word and to the Holy Spirit and His ministry of truth, righteousness, and power.
Note that true Biblical training emphasizes true righteousness rather than mere apprehension of Biblical facts and truths. The great doctrines revealed in scripture are redemptive truths, not academic ones.

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