Ministry Leadership: Evangelist

In the New Testament, evangelists are those God-called individuals who, like Phillip in Acts chapter eight, are specifically gifted, anointed, and commissioned to proclaim the gospel of Christ and His kingdom to cities and unsaved individuals to awaken faith. The blessing of these godly people provides the opportunity for the gospel to carry with it the offer and power of salvation as in Romans chapter one verses sixteen and seventeen.
The ministry of Phillip, “the evangelist,” gives a clear picture of the work according to the New Testament pattern. Phillip preached the gospel of Christ, where many got saved and baptized with water. Signs, miracles, healings, and deliverance from evil spirits accompanied His preaching. He wanted new converts filled with the Holy Spirit.
The evangelist is essential to God’s purpose for the church. The church that fails to support their ministry of the evangelist will gain fewer converts than God desires. The church that values the ministry gift of the evangelist and maintains an enthusiastic love for the lost will proclaim the message of salvation with convicting and saving power.

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