Election and Predestination

Election refers to God choosing in Christ people whom He destines to be holy and blameless in His sight. This election expresses God’s initiative as the God of infinite love in giving us as His infinite creation every spiritual blessing through the redemptive work of his Son.
The election of humans occurs only in union with Jesus Christ. According to Ephesians chapter one, verse four, God has chosen us before the foundation of the world. Jesus, Himself, is first of all the elect of God. In Matthew chapter twelve verse, eighteen, concerning Jesus, God states, “Behold my servant, whom I have chosen.” Christ as the elect is the foundation of our election. Only union in Christ do we become members of the elect. No one elects apart from joining with Christ through faith.
The election is in Jesus through His blood, as described in Ephesians chapter one, verse seven. God’s purpose before the creation was to form a people through Christ’s redemptive death on the cross. Therefore, the election is grounded in Christ’s sacrificial death to save us from our sins.
Election in Christ is primarily corporate. The elect is called “the body of Christ,” “my church,” ” a peculiar people,” and “the wife of Christ.” Therefore, the election is corporate and embraces individual persons as they identify and associate themselves with the body of Christ, the true church.
The election to salvation and holiness of the body of Christ is always confident. However, the certainty of election for individuals remains conditional on their living in faith in Jesus Christ and perseverance in union with Him.
Election to salvation in Christ is offered to all but becomes actual for particular persons contingent on their repentance and faith as they accept God’s gift of salvation in Christ. At the point of faith, the believer incorporates Christ’s elect body by the Holy Spirit, becoming one of the elect. There is both God’s initiative and our response in an election.
Predestination means to decide “beforehand” and applies to God’s purposes comprehended in the election. The election is God’s choice “in Christ” of a people for Himself. Predestination understands what will happen to God’s people.
God predestines His elect to be: called, justified, glorified, conformed to the likeness of His Son, holy and blameless, adopted as God’s children, redeemed, recipients of an inheritance, for the praise of His glory, recipients of the Holy Spirit, created to do good works.
Predestination, like election, refers to the corporate body of Christ and comprehends individuals only in association with that body through a living faith in Jesus Christ.


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