Test for Genuine Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Scripture declares that believers must test all things alleging to be from the Holy Spirit. In First John chapter four, verse one explains not to believe every spirit but test it to see if it comes from God or not.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will cause us to love, magnify and glorify God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ more than before. The Holy Spirit causes love for God to grow in our hearts. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit that draws our prayers, worship, and adoration toward anything or anyone other than God and the Lord Jesus Christ is not from God. A genuine baptism will increase the consciousness of our relationship with the heavenly Father, will lead to a greater awareness of Christ’s presence in our daily lives, and will develop the heartfelt cry of “Abba Father.” Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit does not result in a greater fellowship with Christ and more intense communion with God as our Father is not from God.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will cause a greater love for and appreciation of Scripture. The Spirit of truth inspires the scriptures will deepen our love for the truth of God’s Word. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit that diminishes our hunger to read God’s Word is not from God.
A genuine baptism of the Holy Spirit will deepen our love and concern for other followers of Christ. Christian fellowship and communion can take place only in the Spirit. Conversely, any assumed baptism that decreases love for all who seek to sincerely follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is not from God.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit must be preceded by our turning from sin and faithfully obeying Christ will sustain as long as we continue to be sanctified by the Spirit, mortify the deeds of the body, and governed by the Spirit of God. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit that rests on one who is not set free from sin, who lives according to that way of life, could not be assigned to the Holy Spirit as its source. Any power on that person is from another source, which is likely the deceptive activity of Satan.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will intensify. Displeasure with sinful enjoyments and godless pleasures of this world will diminish the selfish pursuit of earthly riches and reputation. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Holy Spirit that increases one’s acceptance of the world’s ways and philosophies is not from God.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will give us a greater desire and power to witness concerning the saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit that does not result in a more intense desire to see others enter into a saving relationship with Christ is not from God.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will cause us to be more receptive to the Spirit’s operation within God’s kingdom. The gift of speaking in tongues is the initial outward sign of baptism in the Holy Spirit. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit that results not in the manifestations of the Spirit in our lives is a departure from the experience of New Testament believers and from the norm presented.
A genuine baptism in the Holy Spirit will cause us to be more conscious of the work, guidance, and presence of the Spirit in our daily lives. After receiving the fullness of the Spirit, New Testament believers were continually conscious of the Spirit’s presence, power, and guidance. Conversely, any assumed baptism in the Spirit does not increase our awareness of the Spirit’s presence, strengthen our desire to obey its leadings, and reinforce our goal to live before Him in such a way as not to grieve Him or put out His fire is not from God.

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