Jesus/Holy Spirit

Jesus had a special relationship with the Holy Spirit that is a connection that is important for our personal lives. The Son of God’s close relationship in detail and its practical implications.
At Jesus’ birth, both Matthew and Luke state explicitly and unmistakably that Jesus came into the world as a miraculous deed of God. He’s conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. Due to this miraculous conception, Jesus is “holy,” as stated in Luke chapter one verse thirty-five. He is free from all taint of sin. The distinctive birth made Jesus worthy to take the guilt of our sin upon Himself and make atonement. Without a perfect, sinless Savior, we could not experience redemption.
The baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist was Himself personally anointed by the Spirit. The Spirit came upon Him in the form of a dove, equipping Him with great power to perform His ministry, including the work of redemption. When our Lord departed into the wilderness after the water baptism, He was “full of the Holy Ghost,” as described in Luke chapter four verse one. All believers who have experienced a supernatural rebirth by the Holy Spirit (Ghost) ought to experience the baptism in the Spirit to give them power in their lives and for their ministry.
Jesus’ temptation by Satan came after His baptism. Jesus went into the wilderness guided by the Spirit to be tempted by the devil for forty days. He was full of the Holy Spirit that He was able to face Satan squarely and resist the temptation that came His way. Likewise, God intends that we never face the spiritual forces of evil and sin without the power of the Spirit. We must be equipped with His fullness and follow His leading to have victory against Satan. In God’s sight, we are not “normal” children of His; unless we are filled with the Spirit and live by His power.
Jesus’ ministry is preaching, healing, and a liberating one. The Spirit anoints the Son of God and empowers Him for His mission. Jesus was God according to John chapter one verse one, but He was also human describes First Timothy chapter two verse five. As a human being, He had to rely upon the Spirit’s help and power to fulfill His responsibilities before God. It was only as a Spirit-anointed man that Jesus could live, serve and proclaim the gospel. In this, he is a perfect example for the Christian that each believer should receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus’ promise regarding the Holy Spirit is that John the Baptist prophesied that He would baptize His followers In the Holy Spirit. A prophecy that Jesus reiterated. Jesus promises to give the Holy Spirit to all who ask. A promise for all who have become disciples and ask for the baptism in the Spirit.
Jesus’ resurrection was through the power of the Holy Spirit, where He raises from the grave, vindicated as the Messiah and Son of God. As Jesus depended on the Holy Spirit for His resurrection, believers depend on the Spirit for spiritual life now and bodily reappearance in the future.
Jesus’ Ascension into Heaven came after the resurrection and sat down at the right hand of His Father as co-ruler of God’s kingdom. Jesus received in this position the Holy Spirit from His Father and poured the Spirit on His people at Pentecost. The Son of God affirms His Lordship as Prophet, Priest, and King. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and throughout this present age testifies to the exalted Savior’s continual presence and authority.
Jesus’ nearness to His people is one of the tasks the Holy Spirit makes that which is Christ’s and reveals it to believers. The redemptive benefits of salvation in Christ are mediated t us through the Spirit. Most important is Jesus being close to us. The Spirit makes us aware of the personal presence of Jesus. His love, blessing, help, forgiveness, healing, and all that is ours through faith. Likewise, the Spirit draws our hearts to seek the Lord in love, prayer, and worship.
Jesus’ return for His people is to take them to be with Him always. The return of the Son of God is the blessed hope of all believers, the event that we pray and long for stats in Second Timothy chapter four verse eight. Scripture reveals that the Holy Spirit directs our hearts to cry out to God for our Lord’s return. Our Spirit testifies that our redemption remains incomplete until Christ returns.

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