The Great Tribulation

In Matthew twenty-four, verse fifteen, Jesus speaks about unique signs that will come during the great tribulation, signs that the end of the age is very near. These signs will lead to Christ’s return to earth after the pain and unhappiness. The big sign is “the abomination of desolation,” a specific observable event that tells the faithful who are alive during the tribulation that Christ’s coming to earth at the end of the age will occur very shortly. The visible sign refers to the temple in Jerusalem by the Antichrist.
The Antichrist, or man of sin, will set up an image of Himself in God’s temple, declaring himself to be God according to Second Thessalonians chapter two verses three and four and Revelation chapter thirteen verses fourteen and fifteen, respectively.
The “the abomination of desolation” will mark the beginning of the final stage of the tribulation, which culminates in Christ’s return to earth and His kingdom on the ungodly at Armageddon stated in Matthew chapter twenty-four verse twenty-one.
By noting this time of the event according to Matthew twenty-four verse fifteen indicates, tribulation saints can know with a high degree of certainty when the tribulation will end, and Christ will come to reign on earth. The period between this event and the end is given four times in scripture as three and a half years. Due to this expectancy of Christ’s coming, the faithful must be aware that any report that Christ has returned is deceptive. It will be observable and known to all who are in the world.
Another sign will be the appearance of false prophets, who, as ministers of Satan, will perform “great signs and wonders” as described in Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verse twenty-four. Jesus admonishes all believers to be alert for these professed Christian prophets, teachers, and preachers who are, in reality, false and yet perform miracles, healing, signs, and wonders and who appear to have great success in their ministries. At the same time, these false prophets will distort and reject the truth found in God’s Word.
Elsewhere scripture urges believers to test the spirit energizing all teachers, leaders, and preachers. God allows deception accompanied by miracles to test the believer’s love for Him and loyalty to the truth of scripture. This period of misleading will not be easy. Jesus states in Matthew chapter twenty-four verse twenty-four that during the last days’ religious deceit will be so widespread that it will be difficult for some people to discern the truth from error. Those among God’s people who do not love reality will fall into deception. They will have no further opportunity to believe the gospel after the Antichrist comes.
Finally, the great tribulation will be the ultimate expression of accumulated evil in history and of God’s judgments against an antichrist world, a period of terrible suffering and distress for people in all the world.

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