The Spirit in OT

We hear about the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, but what about the Old Testament? The Holy Spirit is one of the three persons of the eternal triune God. Although His full power did not reveal to God’s people until the ministry of Jesus, and later at Pentecost, there are Old Testament passages that refer to Him and His work.
The Holy Spirit did have various activities during the Old Testament times. He had an active role in creation. The second verse in the Bible speaks about how the Spirit moved upon the waters in Genesis, chapter one, verse two. The Holy Spirit and the Word of God both were in unison when preparing to create the world. The Spirit is also the author of life. The Holy Spirit’s contribution to human life comes when Adam receives the breath of life. Today, we see living creatures and people around us due to God’s Spirit that continues to give life since.
The Spirit was active in communicating God’s message to His people. For example, the Spirit instructed the Israelites in the wilderness in the book of Nehemiah, chapter nine, verse twenty.
David, the son of Jesse, receives word from the Spirit of the Lord in verse two of Second Samuel, chapter twenty-three. Similarly, the inspiration of the prophets by God’s Spirit to declare His Word to His people in Numbers, chapter eleven, verse twenty-nine.
The leadership of God’s people in the Old Testament receives energy from the Spirit of the Lord. Moses was one with the Spirit of God to such an extent that He shared God’s feelings. Similarly, when Joshua was to takeover Moses as the leader, God indicated that “the Spirit” is in Him. The same Spirit came upon Gideon in Judges chapter six verse thirty-four, David again in First Samuel sixteen thirteen, and Zerubabel in Zechariah four verse six.
The Spirit of God could also come upon individuals to equip them for service. Joseph had the Spirit to enable him to function effectively in Pharoah’s cabinet in Genesis forty-one verse thirty-eight. Bezaleel, chosen by Moses and filled with the Spirit of God in Exodus thirty-five verses thirty to thirty-five, was assigned to do the artistic work for the tabernacle construction and to teach others. In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came upon and empowered a few selected individuals chosen for service to God. The Spirit of the Lord came upon the judges such as Othniel, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson. These examples reveal God’s enduring principle that when He chooses to use people mightily, the Spirit of the Lord comes upon them.

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