Righteous Suffering

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Faithfulness to God does not guarantee believers freedom from trouble, pain, and suffering in their lives. Jesus taught that we are to expect it, as expressed in verses one through four and thirty-three from chapter sixteen of the book of John in the New Testament.
There are various reasons why believers suffer. The righteous followers suffer as an ongoing consequence of the fall of Adam and Eve. When sin entered the world, pain, sorrow, conflict and eventual death invaded the lives of human beings. However, our reply must always be to cast ourselves on God’s grace, strength, and comfort.
Some believers suffer for the same reasons as unbelievers do, which is a consequence of our actions. In the book of Galatians, chapter six verse seven, “whatsoever a man soweth, that also he reap” applies to everyone. If we drive our cars recklessly, we may get into serious accidents. Undisciplined in our eating habits, we are likely to have serious health problems. God may use such suffering as a means of discipline, that we may achieve the peaceable fruits of righteousness. Our feedback is to act in wisdom and accord with God’s Word, and we must avoid whatever will remove us from God’s protective care.
Believers suffer within their inner selves because they live in a sinful and corrupt world. All around us are the effects of sin; we experience distress ad anguish as we see the power that evil holds over so many lives. Our response is to pray to God that He will demonstrate His victory over sin’s power.
Believers suffer at the hands of the devil. In the New Testament, Second Corinthians chapter four verse four expresses Satan is the “god of this world” that controls the present evil age. He has been allowed to afflict people in a variety of ways. As we engage in spiritual warfare against the “rulers of the darkness of this world,” we will inevitably suffer to deal with such assaults. These evil rulers are in Ephesians, chapter six, verse twelve. God has given us spiritual armor in Ephesians six verse ten through to eighteen, and spiritual weapons in Second Corinthians ten verse three through to six. Our response is to put on the complete armor of God and pray to resolve to persevere faithfully in His strength.
Satan delights in persecuting believers because of their faith. Such suffering may be an indication of our commitment to Christ. Since all believers suffer persecution and reproach, we must stand firm and trust Him who judges us justly.
More positively, another reason why believers suffer is that we have the mind of Christ. To be a Christian means to be in Christ to be one with Him is a result we share in His sufferings. We must thank God during this time because He is our comfort.
God, Himself may use suffering in our lives as a catalyst to spiritual growth or change. He uses suffering to call His straying people to repent of their sins, renew their faith, and trust in Him. Our response is to confess our sins and examine our lives to see anything that displeases the Holy Spirit.
God sometimes uses suffering to test our faith, to see whether we will remain faithful to Him. This trial will strengthen us and help us grow in Christian character and righteousness. God wants us to learn patience through suffering. In discomfort, we learn to depend less on ourselves and more on God and His grace. We must attune to what the Lord may want us to know from our suffering. God may allow affliction so we will be better able to encourage other sufferers. Our response should be to use our experience to strengthen other believers.
The first thing we must remember is God is involved in our sufferings. Even though Satan is the evil one of this world, he can afflict our lives only by God’s permissive will. The Lord promises in His Word that he will not allow us a temptation to be more than what we can bear. God pledges to bring good out of all sufferings and persecution of those who love Him and obey His commands. The Lord promises to stand by and be with us in our situation. He does so by the Holy Spirit, who comforts us in all our troubles. To each believer, He sends sufficient grace so that they can bear the trials of life.
Victory over personal suffering. Consider the various reasons human beings suffer and how those reasons apply to you. Believe that cares deeply for you regardless of how severe your circumstances are. Suffering should never lead you to deny God’s love for you or to reject Him as Lord and Savior. Turn to God in earnest prayer and seek His face. Wait for Him until He delivers you from your affliction. Expect God to give you the grace necessary to bear the situation until deliverance comes. The believer’s faith lies not in weakness and suffering but the manifestation of divine power through human weakness.
Read the Word of God, especially those Psalms that give comfort in times of affliction. Seek revelation and discernment from God regarding your particular situation. Through prayer, scripture, the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, or the counsel of a godly, mature believer. During the time of your suffering, remember Christ’s prediction that you will have trouble in your life as a believer.

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