
angel, divine, god-1861486.jpg

The Bible mentions angels frequently who are known as messengers. They are God’s heavenly messengers or servants created by God before the world began. The Bible speaks of good and evil angels even though all angels were made good and holy. Having the freedom of choice, numerous angels joined Satan’s rebellion and turned from their original state of grace as God’s servants, thereby forfeiting their heavenly role. Undoubtedly, the identity of these fallen angels of the New Testament is demons.
The Bible speaks of the vast host of good angels, though only two names of angels on record in scripture: Michael and Gabriel. The angels have separated into different ranks. Michael is the leading archangel; then is the seraphim, cherubim, angels with power and dominion, and the myriads of angelic ministering spirits.
As spiritual beings, good angels worship God, do His will, see His face, are in submission to Christ, are superior to humans, and inhabit heaven. Angels do not marry, and they will never die and not worship them. They can appear in human form. Angels carry out numerous activities on earth at God’s command. Their duties are primarily related to their part in Christ’s redemptive mission. The angels rejoice over one sinner who repents, serves on behalf of God’s people, and observes the life of the Christian congregation. Other duties they have is the angels bring messages from God, bring answers to prayer, appear in prophetic dreams, sometimes interpret dreams and visions, strengthen God’s people in trials, protect saints who fear God and hate evil, punish those who are God’s enemies, fight against the demonic, and carry the saved to heaven.

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