God’s providence

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In Biblical terms, providence means God’s continual care for His creation and people. After the Lord created heaven and earth, He did not abandon it to run its own. Instead, God is a loving Father who cares for what He has made. He continues to be involved in the lives of His people and the care of His creation.
There are at least three aspects to God’s providence. Preservation is one. By His power, God preserves the world He created. His preserving power is through the Son Jesus Christ. By the power of His Word, Christ sustains the planets in their orbit around the sun. He holds even the smallest particles together.
Provision is the next aspect that God provides for the needs of His creatures. When God created the world, He made the seasons and gave food for humans and animals. His care involves the spiritual needs of humankind as well as the physical. God wants His people to enjoy good health and prosper.
Management is the other one. In addition to God’s preservation and provision for His creation, He also rules the world. Since God is sovereign, the events of History happen under His permissive will and oversight; at times, He directly intervenes according to His redemptive purpose.
God’s providence in Biblical revelation is not an abstract doctrine but one that concerns everyday living in an evil and fallen world. God’s general providential provisions extend to the righteous and the unrighteous. His specific providence extends to individuals. Those who fear God and acknowledge Him in all their ways have the promise that God will direct their paths.

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