
lying, promises, deception-1562272.jpg

What is dishonesty? Dishonesty ranges from being untruthful to lying. However, between these terms, other words fall into the category that seems less harsh. Fabricate, sneaky, shady, misleading, and crooked appear less. No matter how we look at it, in the end, dishonesty is not good. People that participate in schemes of deceit eventually experience bad results.
In the book of Genesis, chapter twenty-seven of verse six, Rebekah and her son Jacob sought to fulfill God’s covenant purposes through deception and manipulation. How did she get the idea of doing such an act? Rebekah overheard Isaac talking with Esau about getting something to inherit the blessing God has provided for him. After eavesdropping, she instructed her son Jacob to follow her instructions to obtain what Isaac has for Esau. Rebekah lost sight of the reasoning for God’s blessing – to bring about a godly and just people who walked with God in faith and obedience.
Rebekah is the mother who creates this mess in the family. She goes out of her way to trick her husband by preparing her son Jacob to be his older brother Esau. Rebekah prepares to clothe Jacob with fake hair to put on his body. She went into Esau’s clothes to prepare to take advantage of his visual impairment. Why did she do that? The chapter does not say but, we know.
The result of the actions of Rebekah made her family not be a family. Isaac trembled to know that his blessing disappeared by the other son, Jacob. Esau, the eldest son, wanted to hurt his brother because he robbed him of his father Isaac’s blessings.
Rebekah suffered greatly for her deceitful scheme and sent Jacob away and never saw him again.
The question is dishonesty worth it? No. It is lying and is a sin

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