Flee to Egypt

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In the book of Matthew, verse thirteen of chapter two, Joseph receives a message in a dream from the angel of the Lord. And when they departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: For Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus and God’s way of protecting the child reveals several truths about God’s method of guiding and protecting His people.
God knew that Herod inquired of the wise men about his claim to come and worship, which turns out to be a scheme to destroy the Son of God. This evil king told the wise men to search diligently for the child hoping to receive cooperation from the wise men. However, the wise men were warned by God in a dream not to return to Herod. Instead, God visits the wise men in a vision, informing them to go to their own country by going another route to get there. God did not protect Joseph and Mary and their child without their cooperation. Protection required obedience to God’s guidance, which involved the family fleeing the country.
God may allow some things that are hard to understand to enter our lives to accomplish His will. The challenge for all believers in Christ is to cooperate. The discipline to trust God while He works on our behalf. The problem that occurs for some of us is not believing in God, which will lead to disobedience. The Israelites wandered in the wilderness until they no longer existed. God worked on their behalf to get out of the clutches of Pharoah and Egypt through the Red Sea. However, the Israelites did not sustain their trust in God in the wilderness due to rebellion and disobedience.
In a real sense, Christ began life as a refugee and stranger. He did not come from that country but came from another territory.
Imagine being born in a city and having to leave immediately because an evil king wants to kill you. Constantly, your parents are moving you around to keep you safe under the guidance of God. In the case of the Son of God, it would have been easier if God had removed Herod immediately, thus making unnecessary the escape to Egypt and all the trials involved in that circumstance. Even after a particular test is over, there may be other problems to face. God’s protection and providential care will always be a need for all followers, for the believer’s enemy never ceases to attack the faithful.
There is always opposition when people have to flee from a situation. Sometimes it might not be apparent to us what God is doing in our lives. However, we must follow instructions from God when He gives us a way of escape. God’s timing is perfect, and His approach works together for good.

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