Sincere Love

digital art, artwork, together

Real love is not easy to find. Especially in a person that does everything with love. How many of us today can say that we do everything with love? The Son of God did everything in love. How many people do you know that live their lives in that particular way?
Believers or non-believers can practice doing things with love. The formula to having a good relationship with others is having an honest and thoughtful demeanor.
Sincere affection begins by detesting what is opposite: evil. There is a saying that evil comes from the devil. Is this a coincidence? The only thing that separates both words “evil” and “devil” is one letter. A person doing evil practices and declares to have love is similar to warm water in a cup. Neither is hot or cold. There is no room for either one. To detest evil of any kind will provide the opportunity to exercise love in areas in our life that need it. We know that love must be pure and will not grow if there is contamination. This situation is also similar to someone claiming to love two different partners at the same time. No matter what they say, there is always be one partner who will feel that they are receiving less affection than the other.
Sincere adoration for others develops when we attach ourselves to what is good. There is also a similar saying for good that it comes from God. Is that a coincidence too? The only thing that separates both words “good” and “God” is removing one of the vowels from the first word to equal the second. An individual practicing this trait will experience favor with people and especially God.
Love, especially when it is sincere, will attract others around you. The reason it does because it comes from the heart. Verbal talk is not easily persuasive because it carries no weight and is empty. Love is heart-felt. This feeling has weight. When a person discovers love, they always comment about feeling something inside. That feeling is coming from the heart of the other person who is bringing it. Unfortunately, many relationships do not experience the same feeling because most of them are not heart-felt, only fleshly. Some couples who fall in love are the same ones that can fall out of it because it is only a physical relationship with no heart involved.

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