The Bible subtitles

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Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. 

Psalms 119:105

When’s the last time you read through the entire Bible? Does anyone read the Bible anymore? Book readers, the bible is quite dense and non-fiction. The faithful readers of the scriptures, the bible verses are an answer to prayer. Pastors, priests, and youth ministers, the bible is the sermon helper. However, if the bible is so beneficial to these particular users, then why do we seldom hear of people reading through the entire bible? The few that do read the Holy book in its entirety several times or at least once are those that have a different perspective.
How you ever received a message from a significant other? We all have! There is no hesitation to read and respond to what we just received. The difference between the bible thumpers and the occasional readers is their approach. Similar to our messages from our people, the care or desire will enable a reader to find better ways of reading the bible that God created.
The bible is available online and other accessible digital outlets that anyone could read in their leisure. The good thing about these devices is you could find certain scriptures desired or vaguely remembered. The physical bible does carry references and other pertinent data handy when needed. However, this still does not prompt most readers to read the whole bible. Most scripture readers will resort to their favorite chapters or verses and expand on them.
Bible planners were the number one solution at one time but the problem readers found that “daily bible reading lists” took the joy out of reading. Why is it hard to stay committed to these plans for some people? The challenge is you already know the length it would take to complete. There is the “Read the Bible in a Year” plan, then the “Read the Bible in Three Years” plan, and finally the “If you read one chapter a day then you will read through the entire Bible in ten years” plan. This method is more like a sentence than engaging a reader of interest.
To engage the reader to read the bible is to have a Holy book that contains subtitles or a bible of that caliber. Subtitles bring a better understanding of what scriptures are to follow without being lost.
Subheadings promote the reader to discover a portion of scriptures that may help them or someone they know. These subtitles enable the reader to see it as a whole as opposed to picking out verses at random they may like. For example, some faithful readers love scriptures about wealth, giving, and blessing verses that tingle the eye and put a smile on the face. However, if there is a subheading before those favorite verses, then maybe the reader will see the verse the way God intended it to be received instead of what we believe.
The purpose of the bible is to encourage the reader to live in righteousness as inspired by God. This holy book is to help a potential believer direction, protection, and develop a close relationship with the creator Himself. The more we read the bible will influence more to live for God, sincerely.
The subtitles will enable the reader to understand each book as they read and grasp the sections within each book of the bible. For example, to read each book in the bible in the subtitle format, go to the page bible books of The books of both the Old and New Testaments are available and easy to read and follow in poetic form with references below. The bible can be very reader-friendly.

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