A Loquacious person


Talking too Much?

What does the Bible say about talking too much?

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.                                                                                         Proverbs 17:27          

Talking is a great communication tool to have. However, what happens when too much is being said? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
A loquacious person is a talkative person who sometimes does not realize that they are getting carried away with their speech.
A conversation, as we know, involves two or more people. For example, if person A brings up a topic and asks person B and C what do they think, should person A still be talking? Or, wait for the response from persons B and C?
A talkative person is similar to traffic. We are waiting to find an opening to get in. The sad thing about a loquacious person is that you wonder if they even remember that you are there listening. A talkative person wants someone to listen to them and see what they think when they are done giving you all the information they have on their plate.

A talkative person will either help you or discourage you. With their many words that you hear coming from them, you will have to filter out what you need and discard the rest which could be a mental challenge.

How can we help a loquacious person?
One of the ways to get their attention and to stop the traffic of words coming through to you is by asking them questions.
Another way to get their attention is for them to ask you questions. Whether you want to answer them or not is entirely up to you but this way you have their attention.
Another way to slow down the multitude of words from a loquacious person is to comment on something nice about them or whatever they have. They will not mind receiving gestures like that.
These are some ideas that will help but the main thing is to ask God to open their eyes to let them see that how they conduct themselves in a conversation is not benefiting others or themselves.



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