The Thoughts

man, grass, lying

What we think about

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:

Proverbs 23:7a

Thoughts are the activity of an individual’s mind to produce.

The question is what and why are we doing it at that particular moment?

There are many different combinations of things that contribute to our makeup of who we are. Some of it derives from the influence of others, some from our own choices while others are from people who made decisions for us such as government, family, parents, and spouses.

They say thinking is good but too much thinking may lead to unhealthy experiences. Stress, depression, fear, oppression, and anxiety are some examples claimed to be responsible due to overwhelming traffic of thought.

Thoughts may arrive instantly to us due to what our eyes see, what we hear, or what we smell.

Thoughts may derive from past experiences or memory. Things that may have happened to us back in time where we revert our attention from time to time. These particular moments occur sometimes because they may have some significance to us. 

Good Thought

Good thinking is when a person desires to improve themselves. Having this thought continuously in mind will give the person the eagerness to catapult themselves into that position. The more time spent on this thought will only prompt the physical part to follow thereafter. This healthy thought process will help the person define that particular area of thought to produce whatever the desire of thinking the beginning: to achieve a better you.

Other Thought

The opposite is the thought of not desiring to improve but disapprove. Having no thought in mind to move into a better position. This unhealthy process may come from an unhealthy environment that produces no encouragement of improvement. This thought could be from what they see, what they hear, or what they smell. These examples hinder a person from moving forward to doing better. A cluttered environment of any kind will clutter a mind.


For as we think in our heart, he or she, is up to us. Where we experience a downside, there is an upside. There is an opportunity to make things happen and it begins on the inside. Wishful thinking is a term where the beginning of an idea starts and ends in the mind without coming to fruition. The purpose of wishful thinking is the desire of making it come true. Similar to blowing out the candles at a special event. They always say make a wish. Whatever the mind wishes for on the inside, the evidence is to perform that desire on the outside. Most people that achieve their desires started like everyone else which is by thought.

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