
How do we fall into this dissent?

Bible verse on disagreement

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.    

Matthew 18:15

Disagreement definition:

Disagreement is the difference of ideas or opinions between people over a person, place, or thing that may occur unexpectedly in any particular area of our life on any given day.


Disagreement Question


What is significant to you? 


(a) Is being right over the other person that opposes you?

(b) Is it coming to a mutual agreement where either is right or wrong?

(c) Is it neither both you or the other concerned about who is right or wrong but resolving the matter?


Disagreements have the potential of changing from mild to extreme. Why? There is one of the two involved will say something that will hurt the other deeply, and the reaction may either be physical, emotional, or worse.


There are only two choices. No, three.


(a) discontinue – not talk back to the person again or until you feel that you should which could be never
(b) remain steadfast – do not give until someone gives up
(c) be flexible – resolve the matter whether who contributes to the resolution


Either choice made here will impact that relationship in the future.


On the inside, you feel the person does not understand what they are saying and is missing your point of view. The focus is more on countering what you are saying and not centering the attention on the matter at hand.


On the outside, the person conversing against you is loud and aggressive with their words that the conversation is gone into something else than intended. Nothing to do with the dialogue both of us engaged in earlier.


Disagreements are experienced at some point in their lives. Sometimes, the disputes are silly that we do not spend much time examining them, only find ourselves in it. Disagreements can be a situation where nothing is said, only eye contact, and that alone can pose a problem. The dangers of disagreements can go on for days, months, and even years. Depending on who is affected more out of the two, one may forget, the other not. Some carry emotional scars that may take more time to heal than physical ones. The question is what do we do about this disagreement now? Do we care to fix it? The truth is it will be in the back of our minds. When we see or hear something that reminds us of that situation, we might comment or shrug it off. However, the truth is it is called mental jail. The mind is not completely free until we resolve it. 


Conclusion on next post – coming soon

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