In Psalms, chapter one hundred and four, verses one through thirty-five, this psalm is a hymn about God’s creation of all things and His providential care over all His works. It emphasizes His involvement with all He has made, for He dwells in and sustains the world. What God continues to do in the universe reflects His glory. Yet God’s creation is marred because of sin and evil. Therefore, the psalm ends with a prayer for God to remove all wicked things and all those who sin, as in Romans eight, verses nineteen through twenty-three.
The theme chapter under God, Creator of the Earth section reminds people who made all things. He made the heaven and the earth, as in Genesis one, verse one. Then God created light, as in Genesis one, verse three. He then formed dry land on the third day, fish and birds on the fifth day, animals and humans on the sixth day, and rests on the seventh day. The result is that God finishes completing the world and all therein within six days.
God is also known as the Creator. Why? Because He created all things. God spoke and brought the things into existence. Similar to how He gave us His Son to save the unbelievers to become believers.
Why is God so great? Well, just as He speaks heaven, earth, and light into life, the ability of His holy Scriptures to change lives as they confess the verses in the Holy book because the Word is God. “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me, as in Psalms fifty-one, verse ten. To receive salvation, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life,” from John three, verse sixteen.