Declare His glory among the heathen

In Psalms, chapter ninety-six, verses two through three, those who have received God’s salvation and experienced His wonderful deeds must be eager to tell others that can deliver and save them. The command to declare His glory among the nations looks forward to the Great Commission that Jesus gave in Mark sixteen, verse fifteen, “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” These words are Christ’s Great Commission to all His followers of every generation, which states the goal, responsibility, and commissioning of the church’s missionary task.

The theme under A Call to Worship the Lord section expresses believers to testify to those around their environment about what God has done in their lives. The unbelievers and others who do not know the power of God and the capability of how He can change a life through deliverance and salvation will, at some point, need to hear our message because they see the difference, especially those around us who could sense a change. The transformation is the holy presence of God working through us. The first sign is the light of God within us, which is Him removing the darkness from our lives. There is a song that is entitled Great Change in Me:


There’s a great change in me,

A great change in me,

I am so happy

and I am so free.

Jesus took me out of darkness

and into His marvelous light,

Oh, Oh, there’s a great change in me.


The change begins with God by putting a song and melody into the heart by singing and praising Him. Believers will, from time to time, bless His name by saying, “Thank you, Jesus! Hallelujah! Bless your Holy name! We praise you! You are worthy to be praised!

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