He shall give His angels charge over 

In Psalms, chapter ninety-one, verse eleven, God commissions angels to watch over the lives and interests of the faithful. They take special note of all who continually seek to dwell in the presence of God, and they guard the body, soul, and spirit of believers. The protection includes all our ways, and there is no limit as long as we walk in the shadow of the Almighty. They lift us in our troubles, as in verse twelve, and support us as we face our spiritual enemies, as in Ephesians six, verses ten through twelve, and First Peter five, verse eight. Scripture teaches that God often takes care of His faithful by the services of angels.
These angels carry a sincere interest and love for the children of God, as in Psalms thirty-four, verse seven. Other verses are in Luke fifteen, verse ten, chapter sixteen, verse twenty-two, Hebrews one, verse fourteen, and Revelation five, verse twelve, respectively. Angels first appear in the Old Testament in Genesis nine, verse one, where two angels come to Sodom in the evening to see Lot and warn him about the destruction that will come upon the city. Later, in verse fifteen, the angels hastened Lot to leave the city suddenly and his family before it was too late. The angels also appeared in Matthew four, verse eleven, as they ministered to the Son of God after the significant temptation plotted by the devil in the wilderness.
In Hebrews thirteen, verse two declares, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” The angels help the people of God who are there to serve us, not for believers to serve them. Angels are spiritual beings who assist God. One task assigned to angels is to carry out His sovereign protection over humans.

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