I will bless the Lord

In Psalms, chapter thirty-four, verses one through twenty-two, is under A Psalm of Praise and Trust chapter. The writer praises the Lord for a miraculous deliverance from great trouble. His testimony encourages all afflicted believers to believe they will also experience the goodness of the Lord.

“I will bless the Lord” is the opening verse. “I will bless the LORD at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” The first verse in the chapter of Psalms thirty-four, verse one, begins with honoring God with praise and worship. Believers with this approach will see the mighty hand of God move tremendously in their lives because this attitude indicates their faith in Him the Lord.

The songwriter made the following chorus:

I will bless the Lord

Oh my soul

And all that is within me

Bless His Holy name

For He had done great things

For He had done great things

For He had done great things

Bless His Holy name.


The other song to remember again:

I will bless thee, oh Lord

I will bless thee, oh Lord

With a heart of thanksgiving

I will bless thee, oh Lord

With my hands lifted up

With my mouth filled with praise

With a heart of thanksgiving

I will bless thee, oh Lord


The importance of a heart filled with thanksgiving welcomes the presence of God. Psalms one hundred, verse four, “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. Many believers forget to give God thanks before they begin their requests or gimme prayers. All saints in Christ should remember the Lord has brought them this far. The simple thank you for being able to live another day is because of Him, where some do not make it.

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