The eye of the Lord is upon them

In Psalms, chapter thirty-three, verses eighteen through nineteen, while “the eye of the Lord” is upon all people, as in verses thirteen to fourteen, it rests particularly on those who “fear him.” The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry, from Psalms thirty-four, verse fifteen. God’s “eye” refers to God’s caring love and providential oversight of our lives. “To deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine” means that as long as we fear the Lord, put our hope in Him, wait for Him, and remain in His will, God will watch over and protect us so that we will not die unless it is according to His plan.
God is a Father to those who believe, obey, and do what His Word says. Similar to earthly parents and their children. Godly parents have their eyes on their children, bringing them up in the ways of the Lord and keeping watch for their safety. However, as they grow and mature, they will have to make decisions as they transition from kids to teens. The challenge for believers is to continue on the path they began with God and be a good steward in the family and their community.
The eye of the Lord is upon the righteous that they do not fail Him. Many people begin on the path of salvation. But along the way, some experience a loss of direction. “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it,” declares Matthew seven, verse fourteen. Many fall away due to their lack of commitment and find themselves as victims of deception.
The eyes of the Lord are upon the believers who will continue to stand on the promises of God when everyone else fails to stand with them.

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