I had fainted unless I had believed

In Psalms, chapter twenty-seven, verse thirteen, trusting in God and being confident in His love and goodness are indispensable for persevering in faith. As believers, we may experience severe tests, yet nothing can bring us to despair and defeat as long as we keep our eyes on God in faith and hope. Amid the darkness, we must wait on the Lord, as in verse fourteen, Psalms forty-two, verses five and eleven, Psalms forty-three, verse five, Psalms sixty-two, verse five, Isaiah forty, verses twenty-seven through thirty-one, and Micah seven, verse eight, drawing near to Him and remain steadfast through His Spirit, as in Ephesians six, verse ten, Second Timothy two, verse one, and James five, verse eleven. We can rest assured that, in His own time, God will manifest His goodness to us.

The theme of David’s Song of Confidence illustrates those around us who are not with us but against us: we should continue to trust in the Lord and hold faith that God will help us get through it. In these situations, patience is something very few people have today. Everything must be now right away. One person in a grocery store, a produce associate, said, “Everybody is in a rush going nowhere!” James one, verse three, declares, “Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.”

The verses before the theme rightly complement it, beginning with verse twelve, “Deliver me not over unto the will of mine enemies: for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out cruelty.” Today, people are so cruel that their thoughts toward others are evil. Although the innocent did nothing wrong to generate this attitude, people commit themselves to hurting the innocent. The devil will use anyone who harbors sin to accomplish his scheme against the people of God.

The other verse is the last one, in verse fourteen, “Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.” There is a phrase, “patience is a virtue.”

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