I cry but thou hearest not

In Psalms, chapter twenty-two, verse two, the believers, like Jesus Himself, may feel forsaken by God. When this occurs, hold fast to the revelation of God’s love and goodness towards you, and continue to pray and trust Him, as in verses two through five.

Today, believers must know and understand upon accepting salvation, in Christ we are a new creature in Him, as stated in Second Corinthians five, verse seventeen, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” The acceptance of Jesus Christ means we are one in Him. Therefore, believers in union with the Son of God will undergo various trials and challenges in life that also include the experience of feeling alone or forsaken similar to how Jesus Christ felt on the cross as He raised the question to God at the beginning of Psalms twenty-two, verse one, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring?” Believers must understand from the opening paragraph, “When this occurs” which means every servant of God will have to go through some form of suffering. There will be times when God seems far away but He is near and hears every word and sees what we are going through.

Jesus, the Son of God, had to go through this while on earth, likewise, believers will have to do the same. However, what separates the people of God from other church people is that some who begin with Christ tend to live neutral as in lukewarm due to the sufferings they fail to endure and decide to live their way instead of following God’s Word but do not go through the trials but form their own. Believers in Christ cannot make or create their way of trials in life. It comes down to accepting the way of the Lord and trusting God to help us through when they come or reject it and live for the world and the evil way. The choice is ours.

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