In the Lord put I my trust

In Psalms, chapter eleven, verses one through seven, the Psalm rebukes those who counsel flight or compromise when Biblical principles are at stake, as in verses one through three. Faithful believers will take refuge in the Lord, as in verse one, and remain committed to righteousness even if the moral and spiritual “foundations are destroyed” in society and the church, as in verse three. The result will be that the Lord’s “countenance doth behold the upright,” as in Psalms one, verse seven, chapter sixteen, verses eight through eleven, chapter seventeen, verse fifteen, and chapter twenty-three, verse six.

The theme verses are a part of the The Lord our Refuge section and illustrate how believers should approach any situation within their lives. Only the Lord and all His people should have their hearts and minds set upon and nothing else. There is nothing else that a person can put their trust in because if something suddenly were to occur, could we turn to our finances and say, “Money help me!” Finances can help to a certain extent, but not able to think or talk about how to resolve it.

For believers, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble,” as in Psalms forty-six, verse one declares. At the end of this chapter, in verse eleven, “The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.” The other verses in between describe no matter how bad the opposition appears or the circumstance, those who trust in God will be with them during all of it to lead them out.

On the other hand, the same chapter of Psalms forty-six describes the unbelievers or those who do not lean or trust in God resorting to violence or complaining with retaliation of negativity to the situation. The ungodly who experience hardship will try to vent their frustration on the righteous.

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