He shall judge the world in righteousness

In Psalms, chapter nine, verse eight, the psalmist thanks and praises the Lord because He will one day fully deliver those who seek Him, as in verses eight through fourteen, and will bring judgment against his enemies, as in verses three to eight, and verses fifteen through twenty. To prevent discouragement and despair at the apparent success of evil in the world, God’s people must firmly believe and confess that the Lord will one day vindicate those who, despite affliction, persevere against all who would destroy their faith in God, as in verse seven through ten.

New Testament believers may apply these verses to the enemies of the Lord and His church. Throughout the New Testament age, a conflict rages between the forces of evil and the forces of righteousness. Therefore, faithful believers will be in opposition by Satan, the world, and false believers within the church.

The theme verse from the Praise to God for Deliverance section will be that God will be a just judge and serve to minister justice to the people on earth who exist in the world. He will not be subject to influence by partiality, show no favoritism, and will not receive bribery but will do exact justice for all. The judgment includes believers and unbelievers, with no human being exempt. Therefore, those who praise God from their heart and are glad will receive an assessment. All that we do, no matter which side we live on will be under surveillance for all to see since God is light, nothing will be hidden and be out in the open.

The enemy sees today how the New Testament believers are living by faith and will attempt to disrupt that lifestyle by using the people in the world who are unbelievers and the false believers within the church.

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