Then Job answered the Lord

In Job, chapter forty-two, verse one, Job’s final answer to God was of absolute humility and submission to His revelation. He confessed that God does all things well and that everything that God permits to occur does so in wisdom and with purpose, including the suffering of the righteous, has meaning and divine purpose.

God works all things together for our good, as in Romans eight, verse twenty-eight. However, as believers of God, we initially would not see it that way because we may experience something unpleasant. Before this understanding between God and Job, there were three other instances where either Job or the Lord answered each other’s situation.

The first began in chapter thirty-eight, verse one, under the The Lord speaks section that stems until chapter forty, verse two. In review and summary, God Himself addresses Job by showing his ignorance in his unfortunate experience by humbling His servant by telling how little humans know and understand the Almighty. However, God’s response came first-hand revelation to Job of God’s presence, mercy, and love. Job’s constant prayer and deepest yearning to find God was finally answered, as in chapter twenty-three, verse three, confirming that everything was still good between himself and the Lord.

The second instance was the response from Job in forty, verse three after the Lord speaks from the beginning of chapter thirty-eight up until chapter forty, verse two. The servant of God decides whether to persist in his belief of unfair treatment of the Almighty, given years of faithful worship and obedience to His word. However, to avoid unpopular outcomes, believers must maintain trust in God despite circumstances suggesting He is unjust and harboring a feeling of Him turning against us.

In Job forty, verse six, God brings His servant to submission and continues the argument by desiring to overcome Job’s remaining resistance and lead him to understand His love.

Now, the fourth in this theme scripture is Job’s final answer. However, the servant of God behaved respectfully and did not repeat the response in chapter forty, verse three.

Today, it is so easy to fall into the deception that the evil one attempts to implant in our hearts and minds when a negative situation unexpectedly occurs for believers. The first thing a believer of God should do is reject it and address the problem to the Lord, believing that he will hear and answer. No matter how it may look, God is able. Yes, it will not be easy, as it was not with Job, but this is the test we must overcome to obtain victory and be victorious.

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