Canst thou number the months

In Job, chapter thirty-nine, verse two, if God could lead his servant to perceive his human limitations in understanding God’s ways in the world, then He could persuade Job that He is righteous and merciful, even when Job did not understand how God was working in his life.

The Lord asks Job two questions in verse two: “Canst thou number the months that they fulfill? or knowest thou the time when they bring forth?” The theme verse is a follow-up after verse one, concerning the animals as they wander in the wilderness and live in inaccessible crags and cliffs of rocks. Man can’t be as acquainted with their habits as he can with those of the domestic animals. They bring forth with ease and do not need to reckon the months of pregnancy, as the shepherd does in the case of his flocks.

Do you know when they did conceive and when they will bring forth? The situation is more uncertain in these than in other creatures because there fall out many accidents which cause them to bring forth before their time, as thunder, Psalm twenty-nine, verse nine, and other like causes of sudden fear, which may be many and various in those desert places where they live.

As believers, we may attempt or feel tempted to question God about things that may occur in our lives. However, we have to remember we have no control over a situation that arises. No matter how careful we tend to be around people or try to do our best not to encounter any problems among ourselves or others within our environment. The best thing we can do is allow God to work out our situation by trusting Him to take care of it and focus on Him until our change comes because murmuring or complaining will not make matters better but worse. Although it might take a load off us, it can create tension with others, which may lead to further problems.

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