Shall we not receive evil

In Job, chapter two, verse ten, is part of Satan’s second request of God section against the servant from the opening verse until the theme concerning his well-being: health. The devil even went further and got Job’s wife into the situation in verse nine to disrupt his integrity, advising him to go against God due to the unfortunate physical experiences he was now facing. 

True believers must prepare themselves both to be tested by God with adversity and to receive from His hand. Trusting in God does not mean that He will exempt us from trouble, nor does faithfulness to God guarantee prosperity and success. When adversity comes, the believer, not conscious of sin or rebellion against God, must commit to Him. Faith in God, as one’s loving Lord amid trials and oppression, expresses the ultimate triumph of faith.

Job’s response to the wife of his life speaks volumes of how he cherishes the relationship with God far more than the earthly relationship of his wife. Job could have quit contacting God and begun a pity party. However, despite what he was going through with the loss of his family and his health, Job remained loyal to the Almighty One even when his spouse suggested not to, which took a lot of faith to persevere through that moment without saying or replying to something he later might regret. 

Job rebukes that gesture from his wife because eventually, we know who brought that idea to her: The evil one. The devil will use our family against us to work against a believer. The enemy is not as unintelligent as some people may think. Children of God come to know that the devil is a strategist. Job went through it with family, and believers today will experience the same thing. 

The truth is some believers have become unbelievers and backslide due to family issues that have nothing to do with God in the first place. However, they experience something that they never expect to come through a family member or group. Especially a child of God, and become upset and do not want to continue their relationship as though God is at fault. But the enemy is the one that uses any individual to create an incident. Similar to the wife of Job, who tried to con him into doing wrong against God.

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