Only upon him put not forth thine hand

In Job, chapter one, verse twelve, God allows Satan the authority to destroy Job’s property and family. However, He limited Satan as to what he could do, for he did not have the power of death over Job. Satan brought violent weather and destructive people against Job.

Job’s afflictions began from the malice of Satan, by the Lord’s permission, for wise and holy purposes. There is an evil spirit, the enemy of God and all righteousness, who is continually seeking to distress and to lead astray and, if possible, to destroy those who love God. How far his influence may extend, we cannot say. Still, probably much unsteadiness and unhappiness in Christians may be because of him. While we are on this earth, we are within his reach. Hence, believers must be sober and vigilant, as in First Peter five, verse eight.

See how Satan censures Job. The most common way for slanderers to suggest they have no reason to think is true. But as there is nothing we should dread more than really being hypocrites, there is nothing we need to dread less than being called and counted so without cause. It is not wrong to look at the eternal recompense in our obedience, but it is unrighteous to aim at worldly advantages in our religion. God’s people are under his special protection. They and all that belong to them. The blessing of the Lord makes rich; Satan himself owns it. God suffered for Job to be tried, as Peter suffered and was sifted. It is our comfort that God has the devil in a chain, as in Revelation twenty, verse one. He has no power to lead men to sin, but what they give him themselves, nor any power to afflict men, but what is given him from above. All this here to us after the manner of men. The Scripture speaks and teaches us that God directs the affairs of the world.

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