Doth Job fear God for nought

In Job, chapter one, verse nine, Satan reacts to God’s claim that Job was a godly man by assaulting both Job and God. Satan questioned Job’s motives and the reality of Job’s righteousness by insisting that Job’s love for God was self-serving and that he worshiped God only because it profited him. Satan implied that Job’s love for God was not genuine. Stan further implied that God was naive and had deceived Himself, having obtained Job’s devotion by blessing and bribery in verses ten through eleven. Satan concluded that God had nearby failed in His attempt to reconcile the human race to Himself. If God were to cease giving Job protection, wealth, health, and happiness, Satan maintained that Job would “curse thee to thy face.”

Satan attempts to manifest to God that Job does not conduct his perfect character out of love but for selfish reasons. There was no proof or issue of such behavior in how Job presented himself before God and others. The evil one knows how he lives his life. Otherwise, it would not draw the attention in the first place. The devil would not waste time hindering someone unrighteous because he already has them under his control, but the righteous ones are the goal to take down. 

Job did fear God for naught because the proof is in verse five. “And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually.” The actions of Job speak volumes of where his heart was and what his mind was on family. The description from verses two through three of chapter one of the riches Job had did not set his focus on that. Otherwise, he would be doing something of that nature in verse five. Still, the fifth verse above indicates his concern. Almost no one in that position would be up doing what he did. Most wealthy people would be focusing their wealth and looking to get more, but not this Job. 

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