Hast thou considered my servant Job

In Job, chapter one, verse eight, the book introduces the struggle between God and His great adversary, Satan. God challenged Satan to observe His servant, the triumph of divine grace and redemption. In the life of this faithful servant, God demonstrated that His plan to redeem the human race from sin and evil is possible.

God sees the behavior of Job towards Him. However, Satan also notices the servant of the Lord with his spirit and conduct. God declares to the leader of evil “that there is none like him in the earth,” which means the ways of Job please Him and find no spiritual flaws in how he lives. The comments God made to Satan are almost similar to the opening verse one of the beginning. However, the evil one, from First Peter five, verse eight, warns all believers, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.”

Satan sees how Job pleases God, and it bothers him because he aims to bring down the servant of God and any faithful believer at will to win the battle. However, how many followers of Christ know what they are up against spiritually? The book of Job one, from verses one through six, is about the man Job and his background. He was known as perfect before the eyes of God because of his maturity as a worshiper and whose conscience was clear. Job was a man of integrity, wholesome in his attitude, and righteous in his lifestyle.

Believers will have to go through some form of adversity. Every follower of God will have to go through something because striving to live right before God is not smooth sailing. Remember, Adam and Eve went through it in the Garden of Eden, and we know the result. In Matthew four, Jesus had to go through with it in the temptation of the wilderness, and the outcome was evident. The difference is Jesus used the Word of God to resist the devil, while Adam and Eve did not. 

All believers will have to fight the fight of faith by using the Word of God: the sword of the spirit that will help us win the battle spiritually. Otherwise, the enemy will use his ways and means to defeat us.

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